
A curious yet pragmatic, persistent yet versatile product designer.

Increasing Registration Rates and Streamlining Navigation

Educators are burnt out and tired of more programs to implement into their already busy workload. With the rise of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) initiatives throughout the city, they need a simple tool that can help teach SEL without taking up too much time or effort.

Improving Communication Within a Scheduling App

Planning Center’s musicians were moving off their platform and using messaging apps instead when scheduling because communication is unreliable and inconvenient. I developed an easier way to communicate with team members as well as improve notifications.

Making Social Emotional Learning Desirable

School of Wonder’s site map was so convoluted that users were giving up trying to register. I simplified the site map and added CTA buttons to create a clear path for users to follow.

Equipping the Next Generation with Essential Life Skills

Young adults are entering into adulthood without the necessary knowledge to tackle the real world, such as communication skills, financial literacy and healthy nutrition. Maven is a life skill learning tool dedicated to teenagers and young adults to help them succeed with essential skills that they don’t learn in school.